
Mindful of the need to ensure that commitments are being fulfilled and that standards are being met, NNP1 Intensive has built intensive internal and external monitoring of performance into the planning of the hydropower project.

  • An Independent Advisory Panel (IAP) began monitoring Project activities in 2013. The IAP’s scope includes review of all environmental assessments, operational and construction plans, environmental management and monitoring plans, resettlement action plans, plan for indigenous peoples and associated reports on project progress and corrective actions.
  • The Independent Monitoring Agency (IMA) engaged by the government and funded by NNP1 monitors and evaluates compliance with environmental safeguards and measures plus compliance with social entitlements and obligations.
  • The Lenders’ Technical Advisors conduct missions to evaluate the work of NNP1 and its contractors in construction and safety, plus environmental and social work.
  • Representatives of the ADB are also involved in regular field visits to monitor the project’s progress in implementing environmental and social measures.

Internally, the company’s Social and Environmental Management Offices conduct constant monitoring of their work and its outcomes, using the results to adjust programming and policy. Checks on progress are also made by teams from the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, including by the Environmental Management Units set up at provincial and district levels.

Site-specific environmental monitoring and management plans are applied at each construction site. These plans are all available on the NNP1 website,

A water quality monitoring program has been developed to ensure comprehensive analysis of water sources and bodies across the Project area both during the construction period and for the first few years of the operations phase.