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Bid Identification No. NNP1PC-IC-ESD-SMO-2024-02

Nam Ngiep 1 Hydorpower Company Limited (hereinafter called “Owner”), co-owned by KPIC Netherlands, a subsidiary of Japan’s Kansai Electric Power, EGAT International of Thailand, and the Lao Holding State Enterprise, was established to develop the Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project (“Project”).  The Owner is now operating a 290-MW Project in Bolikhan District, Bolikhamxay Province in order to provide clean renewable electricity and contribute to poverty reduction in Laos. As part of our Project, the “Owner” seeks for “the Individual Consultant” to Prepare the Resettlement Completion Report for Nam Ngiep 1 Power Company Limited (“Service”). The Owner invites the consultants to indicate their interest in the following assignment.

Assignment Title: Individual Consultant

  • To Prepare the Resettlement Completion Report for Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Company Limited

Proposals are invited for qualified individual consultant to prepare the Resettlement Completion Report as required by NNP1PC to determine whether implementation of the activities related to resettlement impacts described in the project's Resettlement and Ethnic Development Plan (REDP), Social Development Plan (SDP), and Livelihoods Restoration Plan (LRP) are effective, that funding is adequate, and that programs are on track to meet the obligation objectives. The report should align  in accordance with the social safeguards policies of the ADB, relevant corporate guidelines, and relevant laws and regulations of GoL, for resettlement impacts caused by the construction and operation of the NNP1 dams, power stations, transmission lines, sub-stations, access roads, and any associated facilities under the project which have initiated land acquisition, physical relocation, downstream impacts, compensation, livelihoods restoration and social development programs.

The RCR is required as part of the project's overall documentation, including conclusions on the methodologies and outcomes of physical relocation, compensation procedures, sustainability of livelihood-restoration measures and close-out (corrective) actions required to ensure completion criteria are met.

The Consultant will also assess the project’s compliance against the following applicable reference framework with scope of work (TOR) is below:

  • Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project Concession Agreement and Annex C (2013),
  • Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project ADB Facility Agreement (2014)
  • Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project: Resettlement and Ethic Development Plan (REDP) (2014)
  • Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project: Social Development Plan (SDP) (2014)
  • Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project: Livelihood Restoration Plan to update to Master Plan for Livelihood (2019)
  • ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (2009)
  • IFC’s Performance Standard (IFC2012)
  • Othe social safeguards document as deemed applicable
  • Four months (1 March – 30 June 2024)
  • Advanced Master's degree or PhD in Resettlement, Social and Environment Matters preferred.
  • Minimum of 10 years' relevant experience in Resettlement and Social Matters, including REDP, Social Resettlement Plan, methodology, knowledge of GOL's resettlement structure, rules, and regulations, and the Project's social obligations.
  • knowledge about the traditions and culture of the Project is essential.

Interested Consultants must submit a proposal of between 3-5 pages in length excluding attachments, expertise CV and the price proposal with Tax Include in the sealed envelope to Nam Ngiep Power Company Limited (NNP1PC) by Thursday 23rd, February 2024 at 17:00pm (local time).

The Terms of Reference (ToR) can be obtained by submission of writing application (email) to the address below during office hours:

The address referred to above is:

Attention To: Procurement, Contract and IT Department, Administration Division, NNP1PC, 2nd Floor, Sky City Building, PO Box 5530, Sybounheaung Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR. Tel: +856-21-261-251,
Fax: +856-21-261-252, Mobile Number: +856-20-995 97 888.

Email:, Website:

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